Report thread overall flow

This thread serves as a central location for all discussions, updates, and interactions regarding that specific report. It allows for seamless collaboration between the reporter, organization representative, and triager.

Overall flow of bug report handling:

The bug report handling process involves several steps to ensure that issues are efficiently resolved and communicated. Here's the typical flow:

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  • Bug Submitted: Status -> Bug Submitted A user submits a bug report.

  • Initial triager Assigned: Status -> Bug Submitted A triager is being assigned:

  • Triager started reviewing: Status -> In progress Triager starts reviewing the report.

  • Organization user assigned: Status -> In progress An organization user takes ownership of the report.

  • Triager/Organization User Reviews the Report: Status -> In progress The assigned user thoroughly reviews the report, assessing its validity and severity.

  • Change Severity level IF Necessary: Status -> In progress If the initial severity assessment needs adjustment, the user can change it.

  • Decision: Reject/Confirm: Status -> In progress The user decides whether to reject or confirm the reported bug.

IF CONFIRMED: After confirmation, the organization representative announces the payout or resolves the report without payout:

  • Security expert confirms payout: status -> In progress The security expert confirms the receipt of the payout, marking the bug resolution as complete.

  • Organization/triager resolves the report: Status -> Closed

  • Reject payout announcement: Status -> In Progress If the security expert doesn’t agree with the announced payout amount they can reject the proposal by clicking on the “Reject payout announcement” button and providing the rejection reason.


If the report is rejected, the organization reprresentatives and triagers must specify the reason for rejection. Options include spam, duplicate, invalid, or other (with mandatory input of the reason). Status -> Closed

Report thread specific terms

Within the report thread, there are additional important aspects to consider:

  • Escalation; Triager can transfer a report to an organization without confirming its validity.

  • Report Cancelation; Security experts can cancel their reports until a triager or an organization user is assigned to them.

  • Re-open; Organization users and triagers can re-open any closed report except canceled ones.

Last updated